Frequently asked questions

Where do I purchase tickets?
Tickets are sold out. Continue to visit the ‘Santa Cruz Burners’ and ‘Santa Cruz Burners and Friends of unSCruz’ Facebook groups as people will post tickets for sale. Be wary of scammers. You may ask Santa Cruz Burners to verify if names of people offering tickets for sale show up on the list of tickets purchased before agreeing to purchase any tickets from third parties. tickets@unscruz.org

You can buy tickets during the main ticket sale - Sunday January 26th at Noon HERE.
How much are tickets?
Adult: $250
Child 5-12: $125
Child under 5: Free
Vehicle/RV: $400
Ticket prices for unSCruz 2024 are shown below and do not include PayPal or shipping fees. PayPal and shipping fees are per order, not per ticket, and will be added during order placement.

  • General Admission:  $200 (only 10 tickets allowed per order, including kid tickets)
  • Kids (6-12):  $100; Must complete Child Registration Form. Review Child Policy HERE.
  • Kids (5 and under): FREE; Must complete Child Registration Form. Review Child Policy HERE.
  • RV Passes: $300 (only 1 RV pass allowed per order)
    • Note about purchasing RV passes: You will be prompted to select your RV spot on a map during the ordering process. Coordinate with your friends to order at the same time in order to park side-by-side.
What is the ticket policy for gate arrival?
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, please take note of our gate arrival ticket policies:

  • No Ticket Sales at the Gate: Please purchase your ticket online.
  • Your Wristband is Your Ticket: Ensure you are wearing your wristband on your wrist before reaching the gate. Wearing your wristband on your non-dominant hand is recommended. Try to leave a 2 finger gap so it is not too tight but not able to slip off and get lost. Wear your wristband at all times during the event. Child and Service Dog wristbands MUST have parent/guardians phone # on it.
  • Wristband Required for Entry: To gain entry to the event, it is mandatory to wear your event wristband upon arrival. No exceptions will be made.
  • No Wristband, No Entry: Access to the event premises will only be granted to individuals wearing the designated event wristband. If you do not have a wristband, you will not be permitted to enter.
  • What if I lose my wristband? If you lose your wristband prior to the event, email tickets@unscruz.org. If you lose your wristband while at the event, notify rangers immediately.
Coming soon!
What do I do if my wristband is damaged?

Do not discard the wristband. Retain all of or as much of the damaged wristband and bring it to Will Call during Gate Hours. Ticketing will collect the wristband from you and issue a new wristband on site.
Do I need to buy an RV/Vehicle pass to park in the offsite parking area?
No. Parking in the designated offsite parking area is FREE. You only need to purchase an RV pass if you wish to camp in a vehicle inside the event. We have extended shuttle service hours. Tent campers drive into the event to unload before returning cars to the designated offsite parking area before shuttling back to the event site. You may exit and re-enter the event by shuttle through the main gate during shuttle hours. YOU MUST HAVE A WRISTBAND ON TO BOARD THE SHUTTLE BUS and to re-enter the event. For the safety of the event, the general public and fellow participants, please

Can I bring my kids?

Yes, you may bring your kids. Refer to event info regarding Kids at unSCruz. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult legal guardian 21 or older. Legal guardians must be responsible for their children at all times. You must review our Child Policy. Any legal guardian bringing minor children to the event must complete our Child Registration Form. Child Registration Forms can be completed at time of ticket purchase or before the event. Print and sign the Child Registration Form (one per child), and staple a photo of your child to the form BEFORE YOU ARRIVE and give it to the person who greets you at the gate upon arrival. If you do not have this ready at arrival, you will be directed to park your vehicle while you prepare these materials. Then, you may return to the end of the line for entry. This could significantly delay your entry, so have everything ready before you enter the arrival gate. No form/no photo? No entry. You are the filter for what your child(ren) see and hear, so be mindful that you know where your children are at all times. Children under 12, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times


What happens when I arrive?

All participants must drive in the front gate during gate hours with your wristband on your wrist and forms with photos if you are bringing children and/or a service animal. If you do not have these required items, you will be asked to park nearby until you sort this out. This could potentially delay your entry by hours, or you may not be allowed to enter at all. If you have your pre-purchased RV/Vehicle pass, please be sure to have your hang tag displayed. You will be directed to your camping spot by Placement. If you haven’t purchased one, you will be allowed to unload your vehicle near the camping area and then immediately drive it to the off-site parking lot which is free. From there you will catch a shuttle to the event. You must have your wristband on to board the shuttle. Do not leave your vehicle inside the fairgrounds after unloading unless you’ve purchased an RV/Vehicle pass. All vehicles left unattended (with the exception of RV/Vehicle pass holders) will be towed.  

What is the policy with RV/Vehicle Passes?

A limited number of RV/Vehicle Passes will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Directed Group Sale RV tickets will be available for placed art/theme camps. Explanations and instructions will be included in your ticket envelope that you will receive by mail.  


o RV/Vehicle Passes DO NOT include Hook-ups. No easy-ups allowed next to RVs. 

o You can run generators in RV/Vehicle spots  

o Vehicles without a pass must park in the free off-site parking area

o In and out privileges are for sentient beings only 

When are Gate Hours?
  • Wednesday, April 30th: Early Arrival 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 1st: 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. 
  • Friday, May 2nd: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 3rd: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 4th: Exodus at 9 a.m.
Where is the off-site parking lot?

The parking lot is approximately 1 mile from the event space. You must check in at the front gate upon arrival before being directed to it. The parking area has a gate that is closed and locked after hours. There is a caretaker who lives next to the gate who will be keeping an eye on things. Event staff will be patrolling each night to make sure folks aren’t doing anything they shouldn’t be in the parking lot. Because camping in the parking lot is NOT allowed, wristbands will be removed from anyone caught camping in the parking lot! DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR! BE SMART! We’re not advertising where the parking lot is for safety/security reasons! 

For the safety of the event, towns folk and participants, please

Please use the free shuttle.

When are the shuttles operating?
  • Wednesday, April 30th: 3 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • Thursday, May 1st: 12 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • Friday, May 2nd: 9 a.m. - 12 a.m.
  • Saturday, May 3rd: 9 a.m. - 12 a.m.
  • Sunday, May 4th: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Can we camp in the free lot outside the event?
No camping in the off-site parking lot! A shuttle runs back and forth during gate hours and then some. For the safety of the event, town folk, and participants, please

Can I sleep in my vehicle?
No sleeping in any vehicle at the offsite parking lot or in the Disabled Parking area. Only if you bring a pre-purchased RV/Vehicle pass may you bring your vehicle inside the event and sleep in it.
Can I camp next to my car?
No vehicles are allowed in the tent camping areas. However, a RV/Vehicle pass will give you a dedicated spot for 1 RV, or, 1 car and a tent. No easy-ups allowed next to RVs. Please know that there must be a 10-foot clear perimeter around your car to comply with CalFire mandates.

Tent campers without a RV/Vehicle pass will be allowed to enter the event to drop things off before parking their vehicles in the off-site parking lot. Placement will give you directions upon arrival. After unloading your camp gear, you must immediately remove your vehicle from the fairgrounds. The free shuttle service will transport you from the off-site parking lot back to the event site. YOU MUST BE WEARING YOUR WRISTBAND TO BOARD THE SHUTTLE and to re-enter.

You can park your vehicle in the FREE lot, and as long as you keep your wristband on, you may come and go as you please during shuttle hours.

We don’t want to camp at unSCruz, but would like to go for the day. Can we buy a day pass?
No. The ticket price is fixed and includes admission for tent camping and all 4 days/3 nights of unSCruz. You may arrive at any time during gate hours, and you may leave and return during shuttle hours if you are still wearing your wristband.

What should I bring?
Enough food and drink for the weekend, trash bags, warm and cold weather clothing, wet wipes, tents, blankets, camping gear, etc. You may also want to bring fun costumes, musical instruments, and toys or games to play. This is a gifting culture, so consider bringing something you can share with your neighbors. It can be anything, from a hula performance to a chocolate chip cookie! Think outside the box for a way to interact with others.
What should I NOT bring?
- Generators (if on the lawn/Gen Pop area)
- Weapons
- Pets of any kind
- One Wheels
- Items to sell
- Fireworks
- Lasers
- Wood burning fire pits
- friends without tickets
- items that are irreplaceable
- Any item you won’t be able to take home with you (including trash)
- Children who you don’t intend to take responsibility for
- A closed-minded attitude
What about trash? Are there dumpsters for me to throw my trash in?
NO. There are no dumpsters or public trash cans at unSCruz. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE event. This is a Burning Man event; we abide by all Burningman principles. LEAVE NO TRACE (LNT) is one of the principles. 
  • Pack your trash
  • Pack it in, pack it out
  • Pack out whatever you brought in
  • Pick up any trash, paper, feathery bits, etc. even if you did not create the Matter Out Of Place (MOOP)
  • Leave your campsite as clean or cleaner than you found it

Leaving no trace is good for the environment, of course, and also helps improve our chances of being invited back to the fairgrounds for future events.
Are pets allowed?

NO PETS OF ANY KIND. Not only dogs and cats—NO PETS includes birds, fish, mice, snakes, llamas, and any and all other animals. 

Pre-registered Service dogs are welcome. You will be directed to a pet registration form when you purchase your tickets or you can fill out the Service Dog Registration now.  

All service dogs must be pre-registered, leashed and wearing a service vest at all times per fairground regulations. They must also have vaccination tags, dog license and event wristband with your phone number on it attached to their collars.

What is the service dog policy?

Service dogs are welcome. You will be directed to a registration form when you purchase your tickets or you can fill out the registration form now.  

All service dogs must be pre-registered, leashed and wearing a service vest at all times per fairground regulations. They must also have vaccination tags, dog license and event wristband with your phone number on it attached to their collars. Print the completed registration form and attach a photo of your service dog to it prior to leaving for the event and have it ready to hand to the attendant at the gate upon arrival. Failure to have these ready upon arrival means you will be routed to park nearby until you can sort this out. This could delay your entry by hours, if you’re allowed entry at all. If you are unable to successfully provide these, your service animal will not be allowed to enter the event.

If you and your service dog are not in compliance at all times, you risk possible eviction. 

Can we have campfires?

No wood burning campfires are permitted. Propane fire pits are allowed. However, they must be supervised by a camp member at all times when in use, and you must have a visible, up to date fire extinguisher nearby.

Wood and other combustibles may only be burned in OFFICIAL unSCruz burn barrels, BBQs, and BBQ pits. ABSOLUTELY NO WOOD FIRES ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THOSE DESIGNATED AREAS  

Are barbeques allowed?
  • No charcoal or wood burning grills  
  • Small propane BBQs are allowed  
  • Wood and other combustibles may only be burned in OFFICIAL unSCruz burn barrels.  


Can I bring my E-Bike?
The venue is small enough to be very walkable. However, if you choose to bring an E-Bike to unSCruz, you must complete the E-Bike Registration Form and agree to the E-Bike Policy.
Are there toilets?
Yes. There are porta-potties and fixed restrooms available throughout the event site. An event map, that will be included in your ticketing envelope, will display the restroom locations.
What are the sound policies?
This means that unless you are a designated sound camp, you may not play loud music at any time. You are permitted low level personal music in your camp if it can not be heard by neighboring camps. Sound camps are not to exceed 65 decibels, 100 feet from the sound source and may only play during designated hours.

Fairground policy – Sound is only allowed during the following hours:

Indoors: 11a–4a
Outdoors: 11a–10p
Silent Disco will have headphones for listening to their music during the evening quiet hours through sunrise.
My camp did not receive placement for our theme camp. Can we still build our theme camp in the general population camping area?
No. Unfortunately we are limited by the size of the fairgrounds. There isn’t enough room for theme camps in the general population area. Folks in gen pop are welcome to gift things, but space is limited and we have to make sure there is enough room for all gen pop campers. Each ticket holder will have access to a 10-foot by 10-foot spot for their setup.  
Does unSCruz offer Art Grants?
Yes. It is important to mind the grant deadlines which are/will be listed on the Art Grants page.
What time does the event end?
The event ends at 5 pm on Sunday, May 4. Everyone must be cleared out by 7 pm.
I volunteered the previous year. When will I know if I received a gift ticket?
If you volunteered in the previous year, you will receive an email from our Volunteer Coordination Team with your ticket eligibility information. Date tbd.

If you do not receive an email, but feel you have earned a discount ticket, please email volunteer@unscruz.org.
I volunteered last year, but I can’t make it to unSCruz, can I use my gift ticket in the future?
If you are unable to attend unSCruz, you may bank your gift ticket for up to 3 years from the earned work year, at which point it will become invalid. Tickets earned from volunteering are not transferable.
Do I need a special wristband to consume alchohol?
Yes. Anybody who wants to drink alcohol must go to off playa info with a valid photo id to get a 21 and over wrist band.
Will there be food and/or alcohol sold at the event?
No. Nothing can be bought or sold at the event. As a Burning man regional, we abide by The Burning Man principles. Two that apply here are Decommodification and Radical Self Reliance (Burning Man Principles).

We do gift ice at Off-Playa Info, where volunteer staff will distribute the ice during posted daytime hours throughout the event.
How do I get my food handlers permit?
You can get a food handlers permit by going to the following link and purchasing one. Click here to get a food handlers permit!
Mobility-Impaired Transport?
For safety and accessibility purposes, individuals with mobility impairments are not permitted to operate street-legal vehicles inside the event grounds, even if displaying a valid disability placard. Only scooters or golf carts are authorized for use within the event.

If you plan to bring mobility-impaired transport to unSCruz, you must register it with the event's DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles) upon arrival. To complete the registration process, you will need to present a valid drivers license and a current disability placard.
How can I apply for artist performance?
The artist performance application will be released beginning March 15th and close March 30th, 2025. The application will be accessible through a link in the navigation at the top of the page.
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Designed by Karl Wenn