Get Your Apps in Here Now!

unSCruz 2023 artcar photo by Jon Chown
Photo by Jon Chown

At the time this post is being published, we know there are only a handful of days before the Nov. 15 deadline to submit your applications for unSCruz theme camps, creativity grants, art placement and mutant vehicles. We also know that many burners often wait until the last minute to compile all their information and fill out the detailed forms that are a crucial precursor to their plans to build, create or express at unSCruz. 

Some of you, in fact, might even be wondering aghast, “Did you say the deadline is Nov. 15?? Why so soon?”

It’s true, the deadline for placement, grants and art cars in years past has been much closer to the early May event itself. However, with the rate of unSCruz’s growth in recent years and with more camps wanting to come to unSCruz, that schedule no longer works. 

It’s all about being efficient. By moving the application and registration schedule earlier by nearly three months for unSCruz 2024, event producers intend to give themselves and the volunteer staff more time to process all the applications and prevent confusing or inconvenient circumstances closer to the event. 

For example, some campers may recall for unSCruz 2023 that staff didn’t have time, after processing all the placement applications, to mail out tickets for theme camps before the event. Thus many tickets could only be picked up at will call upon arrival at the fairgrounds. 

Your unSCruz producers and staff plan to eliminate such a potentially fretful situation this year by moving the deadline way up to Nov. 15, allowing them plenty of time to process your applications and get your camp’s unSCruz tickets in the mail on schedule. Also, at this pace you will likely be informed of the results of your applications by December. 

Another aspect of the application process that is different for this year’s unSCruz is there are separate application forms for each category: creativity/art grant; theme camps; mutant vehicle; mutant vehicle/art support camp; stand-alone art installation; ebike request; and onewheel request. This is also a move toward better organization and more efficiency. 

In previous years there was only one application form for all of the above, even if you were only applying for one category. As you can imagine, that became uncommonly confusing and a time-consuming burden for the crew to sort out. 

One last thing you might need to know or be reminded of well before unSCruz: registration for ebikes and onewheels is required before the event this year. There will be no on-site registration for such travel devices at the unSCruz venue. Again (by now you should be sensing a theme), this is an effort to use efficient planning to make things easier for you, your campmates and the crew who makes unSCruz happen. 

So if you’ve read this far and you haven’t submitted your application or applications for your theme camp, art installation, creativity grant or art car, get online at and get started. You and the unSCruz staff will appreciate your punctuality in the long run.

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